
Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Sixth Form gain essential life saving skills with Red Cross

Monday afternoon’s General Studies was certainly a very dynamic and useful session for the Sixth Formers – we learnt, practised and performed essential First Aid treatments needed in emergencies. With the help of Simon Paddon from the British Red Cross, we practised CPR on dummies and placed each other in `recovery position` - all new but important life skills.
“It was such a fantastic was to spend an afternoon – we learnt extremely useful life skills.”
Megan Wheating

We also learnt the importance of prioritising when faced with various types of casualties – and realised that something as simple as a burn was actually very serious!
“I’ve learnt so many new things which I can confidently use in a real emergency if need be.”
Ambar Syed

Many thanks to Simon Paddon from the British Red Cross and Mr Pearson for arranging such a brilliant session.    

By Ambar Syed
Yr 12