
Friday, 16 November 2012

January modules to be scrapped!

From January 2014 onwards there will be no provision for sitting any AS or A2 modules in January. For our Lower Sixth students, this January (2013) will be the final time they can sit exams at this time of year.

Following Ofqual’s consultation on A Level reform over the summer, the exams regulator today published its key findings. 
They confirmed  the removal of January assessments, that will come into effect next academic year. From September 2013, students will only be able to sit AS and A Level exams in the summer. This will not only affect all students who start AS or A Level courses from September 2013, but also those who started their AS courses in September 2012, for whom there will be no opportunities for AS re-sits or A2 units in January 2014.

OCR Chief Executive Mark Dawe said: “We supported the removal of the January assessment window in our consultation response and are well placed to respond to wider A Level reform, given our extensive engagement across the education community - teachers, students, learned societies, and employers, as well as university academics.

"However Ofqual needs to confirm the basic ground rules to meet the current deadline for roll out of reformed A Levels in September 2014. The issue of retaining the AS for example needs to be resolved. The majority of universities have spoken clearly in favour of retaining the qualification. As part of a university, OCR is also very sympathetic to the concerns raised by the university sector that the model for involvement in A Levels is flexible and practical.“