
Thursday, 14 March 2013

Careers Fair gets girls thinking....

On Saturday, 9th March St Catherine’s hosted its own Careers Fair in the Main Hall. The event was compulsory for all Years 9 to 13 and proved to be a real success. It was clear that for many girls this was the first time they had had an opportuity to meet adults from a wide variety of professions and discuss with them what the career involved in depth. We are very grateful to all the stand holders (many of them either parents or representatives of companies with close links to the school) who had clearly taken a great deal of time and effort over their displays and material. Whilst we had 24 stand holders, we are aware that not all professions were represented but hopefully if word gets around, the event will expand so that in two years’ time we can have nearer 50 stands.
We are particularly grateful to our two speakers, Ms Nadia McCarthy from BP and Mr Rob Dykes from UBS for delivering such informative and inspiring talks; the points they raised were especially relevant.
If you did have any suggestions on how the event could be developed please do email them to